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Ek Mukhi rudraksha

Natural 1 Face Rudraksha
Shape:- Half Moon Shape

Size:- 26.00 MM (Apx.) 

Weight:- 3.00 Gms (Apx.)

Origin:-  Indian

Metal Material:- Pure Silver

Certification: One Face Rudraksha will come with its Lab Certified Report Of Authenticity.

Who can wear One Mukhi Rudraksha?

Dedicated spiritual practitioners seeking enlightenment: Due to its profound connection to Lord Shiva and self-realization, this bead is ideal for individuals on a serious spiritual journey who are ready for intense transformation and merging with the divine.
Individuals with strong karma seeking purification: The one mukhi is believed to possess immense karmic cleansing power, making it potentially beneficial for those seeking to overcome past obstacles and karmic debts.
Experienced meditators aiming for deeper states of consciousness: The one mukhi is said to enhance focus, inner stillness, and access to profound meditative states, ideal for experienced meditators seeking the ultimate truths.
For those facing life-altering transformations or profound challenges: The bead's immense energy can support individuals navigating major life shifts, providing strength, guidance, and clarity during difficult times.
How to wear the One Mukhi Rudraksha with reverence:

Purification and activation: Before wearing, immerse the bead in raw milk or sacred water for 24 hours, followed by sunlight or moonlight exposure for another 24 hours. Chanting mantras like "Om Namah Shivaya" or "Om Namo Bhagavate Rudrayaya" can activate its energies.
Single bead pendant or mala: Traditionally, it's worn as a single pendant on a silver chain or as the central bead of a mala, surrounded by rudrakshas with lower mukhi numbers.
Touch it with awareness: Avoid casual handling. Touch the bead with intention and respect, focusing on your spiritual aspirations and connection to the divine.
Wear it during spiritual practices: Integrating the bead into your meditation, chanting, or yoga routine can amplify its impact on your spiritual journey.
Potential benefits of the One Mukhi Rudraksha:

May lead to profound spiritual awakening and self-realization.
May accelerate karmic cleansing and liberation from past burdens.
May enhance deep meditation and access to higher states of consciousness.
May provide strength, guidance, and clarity during major life transformations.
May facilitate connection with Lord Shiva and the divine consciousness.

4.5 (2000)

2 Mukhi Rudraksha


Natural 2 Mukhi Nepali Rudraksha 

Shape:- Oval Shape

Size:- 16.30 x 13.00 MM (Apx.) 

Origin:- Nepal

The Two Mukhi rudraksha is blessed by the Ardhanareeshwar form of Lord Shiva, representing Shiva and Shakti. Wearing Two Mukhi Rudraksha frees one from the sin of cow slaughter. As per Padma Puran, this Rudraksha is blessed by Fire God (Agni) also and hence absolves the wearer from any type of sin. The wearer or worshiper is also known to get such benefits, which are normally attained through yajnas and homas or Agnihotra. This Rudraksha is useful for good family life, good relationships with all people, and getting married. It is known to bring in the unity of all kinds- between friends, husband and wife, father and son, father and son, buyer and seller.

Beeja Mantra: “Om Namah”

Who Should Wear 2 Mukhi:

This Rudraksha should be primarily worn by individuals trying to develop long-term relationship with spouse as the ruling God is Ardhanareshwar.  This Rudraksha also benefits individuals who are single and facing difficulty in getting the right match or those having relationship problems. Also, people seeking happiness and material gains as well as those spiritually inclined and aspiring for moksha should either wear it or worship it. It is also useful in begetting children.


Helps develop long-term and meaningful relationship with spouse, friends, families and other individuals.

Blesses one with Shiva and Shakti.

Two Mukhi Rudraksha is also considered helpful in begetting children.

As per Padma Puran, this rudraksha is blessed by Fire God (Agni) also, and hence absolves the wearer from any type of sin. The wearer or worshiper is also known to get such benefits, which are normally attained through yajnas and homas or Agnihotra.

It is also known as Dev-Dev in view of its spiritual and material (dual purpose) characteristics.

The Ruling Planet for Two Mukhi is Moon and people looking to strengthen their moon sign should wear this Rudraksha.


Two face rudraksha will comes with its Lab Certified Report Of Authenticity.

4.5 (2000)

3 Face Rudraksha

Natural 3 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval Shape


Size:- 17.00 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 3.00 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepal


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


Certification : Three-face rudraksha will come with its Lab Certified Report Of Authenticity.



Three Mukhi Rudraksha represent Agni (Fire). Like Agni, which burns and consumes everything, yet remains pure and full of power, three mukhi Rudraksha purify a person from all sins committed in the past. Those suffering from an inferiority complex or fear or those experiencing self-hatred or mental strain should use this Rudraksha. It is also effective in removing laziness and making a person energetic.


Beeja Mantra: “om klim namah”


Who Should Wear 3 Mukhi: 


Three Mukhi Rudraksha is most famously worn by children and is considered the best Rudraksha for child protection. Apart from Children, Adults can also wear Three Mukhi Rudraksha but they should wear at least nine beads for optimal effectiveness. People suffering from any diseases, weakness, laziness, or inferiority complex should wear three mukhi Rudraksha.




Three mukhi Rudraksha purifies a person from all sins committed in the past.

Those suffering from an inferiority complex or fear or those experiencing self-hatred or mental strain should use this Rudraksha.

Being Agnisambhoot (produced from fire), it is useful in making the soul pure and enables one to live a life without guilt. 

4.5 (2000)

4 Face Rudraksha

Natural 4 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape

Size:- 18 - 20 MM (Apx.) 

Weight:- 3.00 Gms (Apx.)

Origin:- Nepali

Metal Material:- Pure Silver

Four mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Brahma, one of the Gods of the Hindu Trinity and is responsible for creation. He is the abode of knowledge and creativity. Brahma is also known as Prajapati, Hirangaygarbha, Brahmanspati or Vishwakarma. A person wearing a four mukhi Rudraksha is known to get shinning intelligent eyes and a balanced mind and he or she can use the power of speech to his/her advantage.

Beeja Mantra: “Om Hrim Namah”

Who Should Wear 4 Mukhi: 

Four mukhi Rudraksha gives fame in all the four dishas (Directions) and is suitable for all the four stages of human (celibacy, family life, detachment from family or worldly life and finally renunciation of the world itself – Brahmacharya, Grahsth, Vaanprasth and Sanyas). Children can wear this Rudraksha to improve their concentration in studies and for better memory. Excellent testimonials have been received for this Rudraksha from students, teaches and those engaged in mental and skilled work.


A person wearing a four mukhi Rudraksha is known to get shinning intelligent eyes and a balanced mind and he or she can use the power of speech to his/her advantage

 Four mukhi Rudraksha gives fame in all the four dishas (Directions)

Children can wear this Rudraksha to improve their concentration in studies and for better memory.


Four face rudraksha will comes with its Lab Certified Report Of Authenticity

4.5 (2000)

5 Face Rudraksha

Natural 5 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Round Shape

Size:- 20 - 22 MM (Apx.) 

Weight:- 3.00 Gms (Apx.)

Origin:- Nepali

Metal Material:- Pure Silver


Five Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Shiva himself in the form of Kalagni Rudra. Wearing this Rudraksha can remove sins of various types committed through forbidden acts. In Padma Puran, it is said that wearing five mukhi Rudraksha is most important for all as it is blessed by Vaamdev (Shiva). A wearer is honored by the Gods themselves for a long period. This Rudraksha is like devguru (Guru of the Devas) as it is controlled by the planet. Vrihaspati (Jupiter).

Beeja Mantra: "Om Hrim Namah"

Who Should Wear 5 Mukhi: 

The Five Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn by people with weak Brihaspati (Jupiter) and for people looking for guidance. The Five Mukhi Rudraksha, according to ancient texts, should be worn either in 33 beads, 54 beads, or 108 beads for effectiveness. Five Mukhi Rudraksha mala or Kantha is a must-have for meditational practices and any kind of Japa. Wearing a single bead of Five Mukhi is not considered effective.


Wearing this Rudraksha can remove sins of various types committed through forbidden acts.

Five Mukhi Rudraksha, known as Kalagni Rudra, removes the sins committed under forbidden laws in case of eating or in sex life

The five forms of Lord Shiva-Sadyojaat, Ishaan, Tatpurush, Aghor, and Vaamdev- live in five Mukhi Rudraksha

After wearing a five Mukhi Rudraksha, one gets guidance from the divine, and their Brihaspati (Jupiter) is strengthened.

NOTE: Five-Face Rudraksha will come with its Lab Certified

Report Of Authenticity.

4.5 (2000)

7 Mukhi Rudraksha

Natural 7 Mukhi Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Round Shape


Size:- 19.00 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 3.00 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


Certification: Seven Face Rudraksha will come with its Lab Certified Report Of Authenticity.



The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha, blessed by Goddess Mahalakshmi and ruled by Saturn, is a powerful bead with a multitude of benefits. Whether you seek prosperity, peace, or spiritual advancement, this sacred bead can guide you on your journey.


Who Should Wear 7 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This versatile bead benefits a wide range of individuals, including:


Business professionals: Attract success, and wealth, and overcome business challenges.

Students: Enhance concentration, memory, and academic performance.

Couples: Strengthen relationships, improve communication, and foster love and understanding.

Individuals seeking peace and harmony: Reduce stress, and anxiety, and cultivate inner calmness.

Those facing Saturn's malefic effects: Balance Saturn's influence and overcome obstacles.

Anyone seeking spiritual growth: Deepen their connection with their higher self and enhance spiritual practices.


Benefits of 7 Mukhi Rudraksha: 


Unleash Abundance: Attract wealth, prosperity, and financial stability with the blessings of Goddess Mahalakshmi.

Find Inner Peace: Experience calmness, reduce stress and anxiety, and cultivate inner harmony.

Embrace Good Fortune: Overcome obstacles, remove negativity, and pave the way for success and happiness.

Deepen Your Spirituality: Enhance spiritual awareness, concentration, and meditation practices.

Strengthen Relationships: Improve communication, foster love and understanding, and build stronger bonds.

Balance Saturn's Influence: Counteract Saturn's malefic effects, overcoming delays, obstacles, and hardships.

Boost Physical Well-being: Improve overall health, strengthen the immune system, and aid in recovery from illnesses.

4.5 (2000)

8 Face Rudraksha

Natural 8 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:- 24.00 MM+ (Apx.) 


Weight:- 3.00 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


Certificate:- Eight face rudraksha will come with its Lab Certified Report Of Authenticity.



Who should wear an 8 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This powerful bead particularly calls to those seeking:


Overcoming Obstacles and Negativity: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negativity, and envious intentions. This is ideal for anyone facing challenges or obstacles in their personal or professional life.


Enhanced Success and Achievements: Attract positive opportunities, achieve ambitious goals, and experience success in various aspects of life. This can benefit individuals in any field or pursuit.


Improved Financial Stability and Growth: Attract wealth, overcome financial obstacles, and experience sustainable growth and prosperity. This can be highly beneficial for those seeking financial security and abundance.


Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Improve your concentration, memory, and mental clarity. This is ideal for students, professionals, or anyone requiring increased focus for tasks.


Strengthening Confidence and Determination: Tap into the powerful energy to radiate confidence, face challenges with courage, and attract positive opportunities. This can benefit anyone seeking to cultivate a stronger inner strength.


However, anyone with a sincere and open heart can benefit from wearing this sacred bead. Its potent energy transcends specific conditions and resonates with genuine aspirations for a fulfilling and transformative life.


How to wear an 8 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Two primary methods are recommended:


Pendant: String the bead on a gold, silver, or sacred thread and wear it close to your heart, with the 8 faces touching your skin.


Bracelet: Incorporate it into a bracelet with other Rudraksha beads or precious stones and wear it on your left wrist


Benefits of wearing an 8 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Overcoming Obstacles and Negativity: Shield yourself from negativity, harmful energies, and envious intentions, enabling you to move forward with clarity and purpose.


Enhanced Success and Achievements: Attract positive opportunities, achieve ambitious goals, and experience success in various aspects of life, opening doors to greater accomplishments.


Improved Financial Stability and Growth: Open yourself to increased financial opportunities, overcome financial obstacles, and experience sustainable growth and prosperity, leading to greater stability and security.


Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Improve your concentration, memory, and mental clarity, boosting your productivity and efficiency in various tasks.


Strengthening Confidence and Determination: Tap into the potent energy to radiate confidence, face challenges with courage and resolve, and attract positive opportunities.

4.5 (2000)

10 Face Rudraksha

Natural 10 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:-  22 MM (Apx.) 


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


Certificate:- Ten face rudraksha will come with its Lab Certified Report Of Authenticity.



Who Should Wear 10 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This versatile bead is ideal for individuals seeking:


To experience happiness and peace: Individuals struggling with stress, anxiety, or emotional turmoil.

To attract wealth and prosperity: Business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals seeking financial stability.

To gain protection and safety: Individuals vulnerable to negativity, evil spirits, or harmful influences.

To achieve success and victory: Professionals, athletes, and individuals seeking to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

To strengthen relationships: Individuals seeking to improve communication, love, and understanding in their relationships.

To balance the Navagrahas: Individuals experiencing negative astrological influences or seeking planetary harmony.

To enhance spiritual growth: Individuals on a spiritual path seek to deepen their connection with their higher self and divine forces.


Benefits of 10 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Attract Happiness and Peace: Cultivate inner peace, happiness, and contentment, reducing negativity and stress.

Embrace Wealth and Prosperity: Attract wealth, abundance, and financial security, paving the way for a prosperous life.

Enjoy Protection and Safety: Shield yourself from negative energies, evil spirits, and harmful influences.

Achieve Success and Victory: Overcome obstacles, remove negativity, and achieve success in your endeavors.

Strengthen Relationships: Cultivate stronger, more harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Balance the Navagrahas: Reduce the malefic influences of the nine planets, promoting balance and well-being.

Enhance Spiritual Growth: Deepen your connection with your higher self and embark on a journey of spiritual advancement.

4.5 (2000)

12 Face Rudraksha

Natural 12 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:- 22.00 MM (Apx.) 


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


100% Originality Guarantee.


Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 12 mukhi rudraksha.



Who should wear a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This potent bead particularly resonates with individuals seeking:


Unwavering Confidence and Determination: Channel the Sun's energy to radiate confidence, face challenges with courage, and attract positive opportunities.


Exceptional Success and Leadership: Elevate your leadership qualities, inspire others, achieve ambitious goals, and reach new heights of success in your chosen field.


Inner Strength and Self-reliance: Foster self-respect, independence, and overcome tendencies of self-doubt or dependence on others.


Physical and Mental Well-being: Enhance physical and mental health, improve stamina, and strengthen willpower.


Protection and Removal of Negativity: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negativity, and envious intentions.


However, anyone with a sincere and devoted heart can benefit from wearing this sacred bead. Its potent energy transcends specific conditions and resonates with genuine aspirations for a fulfilling and transformative life.


Benefits of wearing a 12 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Unwavering Confidence and Determination: Tap into the Sun's energy to radiate confidence, overcome challenges with resolve, and attract positive opportunities.


Exceptional Success and Leadership: Develop strong leadership qualities, inspire others, achieve ambitious goals, and reach new heights of success in your career or endeavors.


Inner Strength and Self-reliance: Foster self-respect, independence, overcome reliance on others, and make well-informed decisions.


Physical and Mental Well-being: Enhance physical and mental health, improve stamina, strengthen willpower, and boost vitality.


Protection and Removal of Negativity: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negativity, envious intentions, and attract positive vibes and protection.

4.5 (2000)

13 Mukhi Rudraksha

Natural 13 Mukhi Rudraksha- Collector Size

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:- 25.00 MM (Apx.) 


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


100% Originality Guarantee.


Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 13 mukhi rudraksha.



Who should wear a 13 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This captivating bead particularly resonates with those seeking:


Enhancing Creativity and Passion: Tap into the energy of Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love and desire, to ignite your creativity, passion, and artistic expression.


Attracting Love and Harmony: Foster loving relationships, attract compatible partners, and cultivate harmony in existing relationships.


Financial Abundance and Prosperity: Attract wealth, overcome financial obstacles, and experience sustainable growth and prosperity.


Overcoming Shyness and Fear: Build confidence, overcome social anxieties, and express yourself freely.


Boosting Health and Vitality: Enhance physical and mental well-being, increase energy levels, and cultivate a vibrant spirit.


However, anyone with a sincere heart and positive intentions can benefit from wearing this sacred bead. Its potent energy transcends specific conditions and resonates with genuine aspirations for a joyful and fulfilling life.


Benefits of wearing a 13 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Enhancing Creativity and Passion: Unleash your creative potential, fuel artistic pursuits, and ignite a new fire within your passions.


Attracting Love and Harmony: Foster loving connections, attract a compatible partner, and cultivate peace and understanding in existing relationships.


Financial Abundance and Prosperity: Open yourself to increased financial opportunities, overcome financial obstacles, and experience sustainable growth and prosperity.


Overcoming Shyness and Fear: Build confidence, overcome social anxieties, express yourself freely, and embrace your true self.


Boosting Health and Vitality: Enhance physical and mental well-being, increase energy levels, cultivate a vibrant spirit, and enjoy a joyful life.

4.5 (2000)

14 Face Rudraksha

Natural 14 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:- 30.00 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 5.00 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


100% Originality Guarantee.


Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 14 mukhi rudraksha.



Who should wear a 14 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This powerful bead particularly resonates with those seeking:


Unwavering Determination and Willpower: Tap into the energy of Hanuman, the Hindu embodiment of devotion and strength, to cultivate unwavering determination, courage, and willpower to overcome any obstacle.


Exceptional Success and Recognition: Elevate your leadership qualities, achieve ambitious goals, and attract recognition and success in your chosen field.


Protection and Negativity Removal: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negativity, and envious intentions.


Improved Health and Vitality: Enhance physical and mental health, strengthen immunity, and cultivate a vibrant spirit.


Spiritual Progress and Divine Connection: Deepen your spiritual journey, enhance meditation practices, and experience a stronger connection with the divine.


However, anyone with a sincere and devoted heart can benefit from wearing this sacred bead. Its potent energy transcends specific conditions and resonates with genuine aspirations for a fulfilling and transformative life.


Benefits of wearing a 14 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Unwavering Determination and Willpower: Channel the energy of Hanuman to face challenges with unwavering resolve, overcome obstacles, and achieve ambitious goals.


Exceptional Success and Recognition: Develop strong leadership qualities, inspire others, and attract success and recognition in your endeavors.


Protection and Negativity Removal: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negativity, envious intentions, and attract positive vibes and protection.


Improved Health and Vitality: Enhance physical and mental health, strengthen immunity, and cultivate a vibrant spirit, increasing resilience and overall well-being.


Spiritual Progress and Divine Connection: Deepen your spiritual journey, enhance meditation practices, feel closer to the divine, and experience personal growth.



4.5 (2000)

15-Face Rudraksha

Natural 15-Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:- 30.00 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 5.00 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


Certification:- The Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 15 mukhi rudraksha.



Who should wear a 15 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This powerful bead is particularly recommended for individuals seeking:


Spiritual Growth and Ascension: Deepen your spiritual connection, enhance meditation, and experience higher states of consciousness.


Fulfillment and Success: Attract opportunities, achieve goals, and find fulfillment in your endeavors. 


Protection and Divine Grace: Shield yourself from negative energies, malefic influences, and fear. 


Enhanced Creativity and Communication: Unlock creative potential, improve communication skills, and express yourself freely.


Overall Well-being: Improve physical and mental health, foster emotional balance, and attract prosperity.


Benefits of wearing a 15 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Enhanced Spiritual Awakening: Deepen your connection with the divine, access higher realms of consciousness, and experience spiritual progress.

Fulfillment and Achievements: Attract opportunities, overcome challenges, and achieve success in your endeavors.

Protection and Divine Grace: Shield yourself from negative energies, malefic influences, and fear, inviting divine blessings into your life.

Enhanced Creativity and Expression: Unlock creative potential, improve communication skills, and express yourself freely.

Overall Well-being: Enhance physical and mental health, foster emotional balance,

4.5 (2000)

16 Face Rudraksha

Natural 16 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Nut Shape


Mukhi: Sixteen (16)


Actual Size:- 29.16 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 5.18 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepali


100% Originality Guarantee.


Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 16 mukhi rudraksha.



Who should wear a 16 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This sacred bead particularly resonates with those seeking:


Unwavering Confidence and Determination: Channel the lunar energy to radiate unwavering confidence, face challenges with courage, and attract positive opportunities.


Exceptional Leadership and Success: Elevate your leadership qualities, inspire others, achieve ambitious goals, and reach new heights of success in your chosen field.


Harmonious Relationships and Family Life: Foster peaceful and meaningful relationships within your family and social circle.


Financial Stability and Growth: Attract abundance, overcome financial obstacles, and experience sustainable growth in your finances.


Protection and Removal of Negativity: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negativity, and envious intentions.


Overall Well-being and Health: Enhance physical and mental health, maintain emotional balance, and attract positive vibes.


However, anyone with a sincere and devoted heart can benefit from wearing this sacred bead. Its potent energy transcends specific conditions and resonates with genuine aspirations for a fulfilling and transformative life.


Benefits of wearing a 16 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Unwavering Confidence and Determination: Tap into the Moon's energy to radiate confidence, face challenges with resolve, and attract positive opportunities.


Exceptional Leadership and Success: Develop strong leadership qualities, inspire others, achieve ambitious goals, and reach new heights of success in your career or endeavors.


Harmonious Relationships and Family Life: Foster peace and understanding within your family and social circle, attract supportive people, and strengthen existing bonds.


Financial Stability and Growth: Attract wealth, overcome financial obstacles, and experience sustainable growth and stability in your finances.


Protection and Negativity Removal: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negativity, envious intentions, and attract positive vibes and protection.


Overall Well-being and Health: Enhance physical and mental health, maintain emotional balance, and attract positive vibes, leading to a fulfilling life.

4.5 (2000)

17 Face Rudraksha

Natural 17 Face Rudraksha

Shape:- Nut Shape


Mukhi: Seventeen Face (17)


Size:- 31.10 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 5.48 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepali


100% Originality Guarantee.


Certificate:- Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 17 mukhi rudraksha.



Who should wear a 17 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This powerful bead is particularly recommended for individuals seeking:


Spiritual Growth and Ascension: Deepen your connection with the divine, enhance meditation, and experience higher realms of consciousness. 


Overcoming Limitations and Past Karma: Break free from negativity, past karmic issues, and limiting beliefs.


Success and Abundance: Attract opportunities, achieve goals, and overcome obstacles in your endeavors.


Enhanced Creativity and Leadership: Stimulate creative potential, develop strong leadership qualities, and express yourself freely.


Protection and Divine Grace: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negative influences, and fear, inviting divine blessings into your life.


However, anyone with a sincere and devoted heart can benefit from wearing this sacred bead. Its potent energy transcends specific conditions and resonates with genuine aspirations for a transformative life.


Benefits of wearing a 17 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Spiritual Awakening and Progress: Deepen your connection with the divine, access higher realms of consciousness, and experience significant spiritual growth.

Breaking Free from Limitations: Overcome negativity, past karmic issues, and limiting beliefs, paving the way for a transformative life.

Success and Achievements: Attract opportunities, overcome obstacles, and achieve goals in your endeavors, empowered by Katyayani Devi's blessings.

Enhanced Creativity and Leadership: Stimulate creative potential, develop strong leadership qualities, express yourself freely, and inspire others.

Protection and Divine Grace: Shield yourself from harmful energies, negative influences, and fear, inviting divine blessings and protection into your life.

4.5 (2000)

19 Mukhi Rudraksha

Natural 19 Mukhi Rudraksha

Shape:- Nut Shape


Mukhi: 19 Mukhi 


Size:- 21.53 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 1.91 grams


Origin:- Nepali


100% Originality Guarantee.


Certification:- Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 19 mukhi rudraksha.



Who should wear a Natural 19 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This bead is particularly recommended for individuals seeking:




Enhanced Relationships and Harmony: Foster love, understanding, and harmonious connections in personal and professional relationships.




Spiritual Growth and Balance: Deepen your connection with the divine couple, Shiva and Parvati, experience spiritual progress, and achieve balance in your life.




Protection and Empowerment: Shield yourself from negativity, fear, and harmful energies, gaining inner strength and resilience.




Overall Well-being: Enhance physical and mental health, cultivate emotional stability, and attract prosperity and abundance.




However, anyone with a sincere and devoted heart can benefit from wearing this sacred bead. Its potent energy transcends specific conditions and resonates with genuine aspirations for a fulfilling life.


Benefits of wearing a Natural 19 Mukhi Rudraksha:




Enhanced Relationships and Harmony: Foster love, understanding, and harmony in personal and professional connections, attracting positive relationships.



Spiritual Growth and Balance: Deepen your connection with the divine couple, Shiva and Parvati, experience spiritual progress, and achieve balance in your life.



Protection and Empowerment: Shield yourself from negativity, fear, and harmful energies, gaining inner strength, resilience, and overcoming challenges.

Overall Well-being: Enhance physical and mental health, cultivate emotional stability, attract prosperity and abundance, and experience a fulfilling life.

4.5 (2000)

20 Mukhi Rudraksha

Natural 20 Mukhi Rudraksha

Shape:- Nut Shape


Mukhi: 20 Mukhi 


Size:- 17.00 MM (Apx.) 


Origin:- Indonesian


100% Originality Guarantee.


Certificate:- The Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 20 Mukhi Rudraksha.



The 20 mukhi rudraksha is considered a rare and highly powerful bead in Hinduism. It is believed to represent the combined energies of the nine planets, the eight Dikpals (guardians of the directions), and the holy trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh).




Spiritual knowledge and enlightenment

Deep devotion and connection with the divine

Protection from negative energies, fear, and evil

Increased creativity, good luck, and fortune

Puja Vidhi for Wearing:


Here's a general guide for the puja ritual before wearing a 20 mukhi rudraksha. It's recommended to consult a pandit or priest for a more elaborate ceremony.


Shuddhikaran (Purification): On a Monday morning, wake up early, bathe, and wear clean clothes. Cleanse the puja area and the rudraksha with holy water (Ganga jal, cow's milk, etc.).


Sankalp (Intention): Set an intention for wearing the rudraksha, seeking the blessings of Lord Shiva and the embodied energies.


Energization (Abhishek): Offer prayers to Lord Shiva. Chant the mantra "Om Hreem Hreem Hoom Hoom Brahmane Namah" or "Om Namo Shivaya" 108 times while holding the rudraksha.


Wearing: After the puja, you can wear the rudraksha in a silver or gold pendant.

4.5 (2000)

21 Face Rudraksha

Natural 21 Face Rudraksha 

Shape:- Nut Shape


Mukhi: Twenty-One 


Size:- 34.00 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 5.48 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepali


Certificate:- The Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 21 Mukhi Rudraksha.



Who Should Wear a 21 Mukhi Rudraksha?


This exceptional bead is particularly recommended for individuals seeking:


Spiritual Advancement: Enhance your spiritual awareness, deepen meditation, and foster a stronger connection with the divine. 


Balance and Harmony: Achieve inner peace, overcome negativity, and attract positive energies into your life.


Fulfillment and Success: Attract abundance, and prosperity, and achieve success in your endeavors.


Protection and Empowerment: Shield yourself from negative energies, malefic influences, and fear.


Overall Well-being: Improve physical and mental health, enhance vitality, and promote emotional balance.


Benefits of Wearing a 21 Mukhi Rudraksha:


Spiritual Progress: Deepen your connection with the divine, access higher realms of consciousness, and experience profound transformative shifts.

Mental and Emotional Well-being: Overcome negativity, anxiety, and fear, cultivate inner peace, and achieve emotional balance.

Protection: Shield yourself from harmful vibrations, negative energies, and malefic influences.

Physical Health: Enhance vitality, boost immunity, and promote overall physical well-being.

Success and Abundance: Attract prosperity, achieve goals, and overcome obstacles in your endeavors.

Fulfillment and Creativity: Open your heart to joy, unleash your creative potential, and experience a fulfilling life.

4.5 (2000)

Gauri Shankar with Ganesha Rudraksha

Natural Gauri Shankar with Ganesha Rudraksha

Shape:- Nut Shape


Size:- 30.00 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 5.50 gm (Apx)


Origin:- Nepali


100% Originality Guarantee.


Certification:- The Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with Gauri Shankar with Ganesh Mukhi Rudraksha.



An Antique Gauri Ganesh Shankar Rudraksha (Nepali Origin) is a powerful combination of two rare Rudraksha beads: a Gauri Shankar Rudraksha and a Ganesh Rudraksha, naturally fused together. This unique bead holds significant blessings for love, harmony, spiritual growth, success, and overcoming obstacles.


Benefits of wearing an Antique Gauri Ganesh Shankar Rudraksha:


Enhanced Relationships and Harmony: Foster love, understanding, and harmony in personal and professional relationships, attracting positive connections.

Spiritual Growth and Balance: Deepen your connection with the divine family – Shiva, Parvati, and Ganesha – experience spiritual progress, and achieve balance in your life.

Overcoming Obstacles and Achieving Success: Face challenges with strength, wisdom, and Ganesha's blessings, and achieve goals in your endeavors.

Protection and Empowerment: Shield yourself from negativity, fear, and harmful energies, gaining inner strength, resilience, and overcoming difficulties.

Overall Well-being: Enhance physical and mental health, cultivate emotional stability, attract prosperity and abundance, and experience a fulfilling life.

4.5 (2000)

Trijuti Rudraksha

Natural Trijuti Rudraksha

Trijuti called Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara, is a rare and powerful Rudraksha. Nature displays its creative power in this form, as three separate beads form into one naturally in the tree. Wearing this Rudraksha is said to bring with it great success and universal appeal.


Shape:- Nut Shape


Size:- 34.05 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 4.95 gm (Apx)


Origin:- Nepali


Certification:- Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with Gauri Path Rudraksha By GII Gemologist.



Who should wear a Trijuti Rudraksha?


This exceptional bead is recommended for various individuals seeking:


Spiritual progress: Deepen your connection with the divine energies of creation, preservation, and transformation.

Overall well-being: Enhance physical, mental, and emotional health, fostering balance and harmony.

Boosted success: Attract positive energies for success in personal and professional endeavors.

Protection: Shield yourself from negativity, malefic influences, and harmful vibrations.

Auspiciousness: Invite prosperity, abundance, and good fortune into your life.


Benefits of wearing a Trijuti Rudraksha:


Spiritual elevation: Experience deeper meditation, heightened awareness, and enhanced connection with the divine.

Physical and mental well-being: Promote health, vitality, emotional balance, and inner peace.

Success and prosperity: Attract positive energies for achievements, abundance, and fulfillment in your pursuits.

Protection: Shield yourself from negativity, harmful vibrations, and malefic influences.

Auspiciousness: Invite blessings, good fortune, and positive circumstances into your life.

4.5 (2000)

14 Mukhi Gaurishankar

Natural 14 Mukhi Gaurishankar Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:- 30.82 MM (Apx.) 


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


100% Originality Guarantee.


Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 14 mukhi Gaurishankar rudraksha.


The 14 mukhi Gaurishankar rudraksha is a potent bead in Hindu tradition, considered a natural fusion of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Its 14 faces represent the 14 Manus (cosmic mind) and are believed to hold immense spiritual power.


Who should wear it?




Individuals seeking physical and mental well-being: The 14 mukhi is said to enhance health, stamina, and vitality. It's believed to combat physical ailments and promote mental clarity, focus, and memory.



Those seeking stronger relationships: This bead is connected to Lord Hanuman, known for his unwavering loyalty and commitment. Wearing it is believed to strengthen existing relationships, nurture trust, and prevent infidelity.



People desiring spiritual growth: It's said to awaken intuition and sharpen psychic abilities, assisting in meditation and spiritual connection.



Adventurers and risk-takers: The 14 mukhi is believed to shield against accidents and dangers, making it beneficial for adventurous individuals.






Improved physical and mental health



Enhanced strength, stamina, and vitality



Sharper focus, memory, and clarity



Stronger relationships and loyalty



Increased intuition and spiritual connection



Protection from accidents and dangers



Divine blessings of Lord Shiva and Parvati



Please note: While these are traditional beliefs associated with the 14 mukhi Gaurishankar rudraksha, their effectiveness varies based on individual experiences and belief systems. It's crucial to approach it with faith and respect, alongside personal efforts and responsible actions.


4.5 (2000)

1 Mukhi Sawaar Rudraksha

Natural 1 Mukhi Sawaar Rudraksha

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:- 26.00 MM (Apx.) 


Weight:- 3.00 Gms (Apx.)


Origin:- Nepali




Certification- 1 Mukhi Sawar Rudraksha will come along with its Lab Testing Report.



Who should wear a 1 Mukhi Sawaar Rudraksha?


This potent bead is particularly recommended for individuals seeking:


Unwavering Inner Strength and Confidence: Channel the Sun's energy to become unwavering in your resolve, radiate confidence, and face challenges with determination.

Exceptional Success and Leadership: Enhance your leadership qualities, inspire others, attract opportunities, achieve ambitious goals, and reach new heights of success.

Deep Spiritual Progress and Self-awareness: Deepen your connection with the divine, embark on a transformative spiritual journey, and gain profound insights through introspection.

Overcoming Negativity and Limitations: Shed negativity, past karmic issues, and limiting beliefs, paving the way for a life of liberation and growth.

Overall Well-being and Protection: Enhance physical and mental health, cultivate emotional stability, shield yourself from harmful energies, and attract positive vibes.

However, anyone with a sincere and devoted heart can benefit from wearing this sacred bead. Its potent energy transcends specific conditions and resonates with genuine aspirations for a fulfilling and transformative life.


Benefits of wearing a 1 Mukhi Sawaar Rudraksha:


Unwavering Inner Strength and Confidence: Tap into the Sun's power, become unwavering in your resolve, and radiate confidence in all aspects of life.


Exceptional Success and Leadership: Enhance your leadership qualities, inspire and motivate others, attract opportunities, and achieve ambitious goals with unparalleled success.


Deep Spiritual Progress and Self-awareness: Deepen your connection with the divine, embark on a transformative spiritual journey, and gain profound insights into your inner self.


Overcoming Negativity and Limitations: Shed negativity, past karmic issues, and limiting beliefs, paving the way for a life of liberation and growth.


Overall Well-being and Protection: Enhance physical and mental health, cultivate emotional stability, shield yourself from harmful energies, and attract positive vibes, leading to a fulfilling life.


Additional benefits from supporting beads: Enhance specific aspects of your life depending on the Mukhi count of the attached beads.

4.5 (2000)


Product Description




Presiding Deity: Bhumi Devi

Ruling Planet: Mars

Beej Mantra: Om Hreem Hoom Ekatvarupaye Hum Hreem Om


General Benefits:

The wearer of this divine bead leads a life that is mostly healthy and devoid of ailments. The tremendous wealth attracted by this bead to the wearer can be enjoyed while living in the pink of health. This Rudraksha is ideal for people in land deals, real estate, builders and civil engineers. It is beneficial for existing business that needs expansion in the future.


Spiritual Benifits:

This bead energizes and vitalizes both the Mooladhara and Manipura chakra. It keeps the body sturdy, fit, supple and also helps in Yogic practices. The ruling planet of the 18 Mukhi is Mars. It controls the fire element. In scriptures this element is associated with the Manipura chakra / city of jewel. Thus wearing this bead improves digestion and metabolism simultaneously. The Prana and Apana Vayu thereby meet in a balanced system within the Manipura. This chakra governs energy, will-power and achievements. There is also a spiritual practice of wearing this Rudraksha and chanting the Gayatri Mantra for drawing up the golden energy to the Manipura Chakra.


Health Benefits:

It safeguards children from diseases. It protects pregnant women from premature deliveries. It is extremely good for leading a life that is mostly disease free.

4.5 (2000)