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11 Face Rudraksha

4.5 (2000)

Natural 11 Face Rudraksha - Collector Size

Shape:- Oval / Nut Shape


Size:- 26.00 MM+ (Apx.) 


Origin:- Nepali


Metal Material:- Pure Silver


100% Originality Guarantee.


Certification:- Lab Testing Report Certificate will come along with 11 mukhi rudraksha.



Who should wear it?


This unique bead is particularly beneficial for:


Individuals seeking spiritual growth and wisdom: The 11 Mukhi Rudraksha represents the eleven Rudras, aspects of Lord Shiva associated with knowledge and transformation.

Those desiring strong intuition and focus: The bead is believed to enhance mental clarity and decision-making abilities.

People striving for success and prosperity: It's said to attract positive opportunities and financial abundance.

Individuals facing communication challenges: The 11 Mukhi Rudraksha is connected to Vishuddha chakra, promoting effective communication and self-expression.

Anyone seeking balanced energy flow and well-being: This Rudraksha helps harmonize chakras and improve overall health.


Benefits of wearing it:


Enhanced spiritual growth and connection to higher consciousness.

Improved wisdom, intuition, and decision-making.

Increased clarity, focus, and mental agility.

Attraction of positive opportunities, success, and financial abundance.

Enhanced communication skills and self-expression.